Turtleflage Raphael
The "Now You See Him, Now Ya Don't" Dude!
Asst. No. 33000
Stock No. 33012
Head Bangin' Axe Mace
Strap-On Battle Blend Armor
Way of the Turtle
Splinter Says:
"To blend in with the background is to be invisible."
Raph was just mindin' his own business outside of Dr. Quease's secret lav when suddenly he gets attacked
by Vam Mi. A vicious blow to his tender Turtle head sends him spinnin' across the street. Then voila! -
employing his Turtleflage, he's gone! Vam Mi can't see him anywhere. She saunters to the spot where he
vanished and begins to look for a sewer cover or inter-dimensional gateway. She bends down to inspect a
suspicious candy wrapper when - Bamm! Raph releases the fury that is named Head Bangin' Axe Mace! Vam Mi
stumbles and turns to see her attacker - but there is no one there. Bamm! Another blow is struck for
justice. Vam Mi makes a run for it as Raph magically appears in front of an empty wall. As she runs, Raph
calls out: "I'm calling you Vam Bamm from now on!"