1984 | 1988 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1999 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 |
142 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 174 TMNT #4 The Foot 177 TMNT Terror Bears |
166 TMNT #2 Splinter, Shredder, Mousers 175 TMNT #5 Triceratons & flying harness 178 TMNT Player Characters |
173 TMNT #3 Fugitoid, Jones Triceraton 176 TMNT #6 Turtles with energy weapons 179 TMNT Dr. Feral & Henchmen |
Leonardo Donatello |
Raphael Michaelangelo |
Party Wagon | Turtle Copter | Sewer Lair |
Radical Ramp | Battle Shell Bridge | Combat Lair |
Leonardo Splinter Purple Dragon Two Ton Baxter Stockman Guardian |
Donatello April O'Neil Purple Dragon #3 Foot Soldier #1 Casey Jones |
Raphael Mouser Purple Dragon #4 Foot Soldier #2 |
Michaelangelo Purple Dragon Leader Purple Dragon #5 Foot Tech |
Hun Hamato Yoshi Splinter-Instructing Raph- Fighting Gear |
Oruku Saki Mike-Street clothes Casey Jones-masked Mike- Fighting Gear |
Shredder Raph-Street clothes Leo-Fighting Gear |
Foot Elite Guard Don-welding Don-Fighting Gear |
Shell Shock: Mutation Garage | Shell Shock: Space Lab |
Battle For the City (game pad) | Mutant & Monster Mayhem (light gun) | The Way of the Warrior (Video Camera) |
Leonardo Donatello |
Raphael Michelangelo |
Leonardo Donatello |
Raphael Michelangelo |
Mouser 3 pack |
April O'Neil |
Leonardo Donatello |
Raphael Michelangelo |
Leonardo Donatello |
Raphael Michelangelo |
Donatello Michelangelo |
Raphael Leonardo |
Mouser |
Shredder |
Shadow Leonardo | Kraang |
Kraang Lab Escape Turtle Lair Attack |
Shredder's Dragon Bike The Shellraiser Street Chase |
Stealth Shell in Pursuit Baxter Robot Rampage |
Kraag Laser Turret Key Chain Mini Figs |
Donatello Raphael |
Leonardo Michelangelo |
Splinter Shredder |
Amazon exclusive Glow in the Dark 4 Pack |
Metallic Donatello Metallic Raphael |
Metallic Leonardo Metallic Michelangelo |
Greyscale Michelangelo (limit to 2000 pieces) | Greyscale Metallic Michelangelo (limited to 500 pieces) |
Greyscale Raphael (limit to 2000 pieces) | Greyscale Metallic Raphael (limited to 500 pieces) |
Beanie Ballz Leonardo Beanie Ballz Donatello |
Beanie Ballz Michelangelo Beanie Ballz Raphael |
Leonardo Donatello |
Raphael Michelangelo |
Medium Beanie Ballz Leonardo | Medium Beanie Ballz Raphael |
Karai Bike Escape Mutation Chamber Unleashed |
T-Rawket Sky Strike Turtle Sub Undersea Chase |
Shredder's Lair Rescue Mikey's Mini-Shellraiser |
Lego Juniors Turtle Lair Flashback Shredder Minifigure |
Leonardo Donatello |
Raphael Michelangelo |
Leonardo Donatello |
Raphael Michelangelo |
Shredder |
April O'Neil Foot Soldier |
Rocksteady Bebop |
Turtle Van |
Leonardo Donatello Splinter |
Raphael Michelangelo April O'Neil |
Casey Jones Bebop Rocksteady |
Shredder Krang Foot Soldier |
Leonardo Donatello Michelangelo Raphael |
Metallic Leonardo Metallic Donatello Metallic Michelangelo Metallic Raphael |
Metal Mix Leonardo Gold Glitter Tye Dye Leonardo |
Grey Glitter Mean & Green Raphael Pizza Power Michelangelo |
Leonardo Donatello |
Michelangelo Raphael |
Splinter Shredder |
Leonardo Donatello Michelangelo Raphael |
Splinter Shredder Krang |
Foot Soldier Rocksteady Bebop |
Bebop | Rocksteady |
Leonardo Donatello Michelangelo |
Raphael Splinter Shredder |
Krang Foot Soldier |
Rocksteady Bebop |
Kidrobot Bebop and Rocksteady Vinyls TMNT MiniMates Promotional Figures |
Funko Pop Spongebob/TMNT Lunchbox Set Funko Freddy Funko TMNT Promo figures |
Leonardo Donatello |
Raphael Michelangelo |
Leonardo Donatello |
Raphael Michelangelo |
Leonardo Donatello |
Raphael Michelangelo |
Leonardo Donatello Mini Piggy Leonardo |
Michelangelo Raphael Mini Piggy Raphael |
Piggy Raphael Piggy Leonardo Piggy Michelangelo |
Brick Wall |
Leonardo Donatello |
Raphael Michelangelo |
Leonardo Donatello |
Raphael Michelangelo |
Leo Katana Swords Dntlo Bo Staff |
Raph Twin Sais Michel Nunchuks |
Shredder Outfit |
Game System with Leonardo & Raphael | Game System with all four Turtles (Kmart Exclusive) |
Donatello & Michelangelo | Casey Jones & Splinter |
Leonardo Donatello |
Raphael Michelangelo |
Four Pack |
Leonardo & Foot Soldier Donatello & Shredder |
Raphael & April O'Neil Michelangelo & Foot-Bot |
Mutagen Leo & Foot Soldier (Toys R Us Exclusive) |
Leonardo Donatello |
Raphael Michelangelo |
Mutagen Raphael April O'Neil |
Shredder Foot-Bot |
Foot Soldier |
Leonardo Donatello |
Raphael Michelangelo |
Mutagen Michelangelo Kraang |
Shredder Foot-Bot |
Foot Soldier |
Leonardo Donatello Michelangelo |
Raphael Splinter Shredder |
Casey Jones April O'Neil Karai |
Foot Ninja (red/grey) Foot Ninja (black) |
Leonardo Donatello |
Michelangelo Raphael |
Splinter Shredder |
Leonardo VS Raphael | Michelangelo VS Donatello |
Leonardo Donatello |
Raphael Michelangelo |
Leonardo Spinning Ninja Donatello Spinning Ninja |
Raphael Spinning Ninja Michelangelo Spinning Ninja |
Shredder Spinning Top Robotic Foot Soldier Spinning Top |
Leonardo Donatello |
Raphael Michelangelo |
Splinter Shredder |
Leonardo Donatello |
Raphael Michelangelo |
Leonardo Donatello |
Raphael Michelangelo |
Leonardo Raphael |
Donatello Splinter |
Michelangelo Shredder |
Leonardo Splinter Shredder |
Donatello April Krang |
Michelangelo Green April Foot Soldier |
Raphael Mouser SDCC 5 Pack |
Leonardo & Splinter Donatello & Norman |
Raphael & Anton Zeck Michelangelo & Casey Jones |
Mutagen Donatello & Norman (Toys R Us Exclusive) |
Sewer Leonardo Sewer Donatello |
Sewer Raphael Sewer Michelangelo |
Casey Jones Splinter |
Norman Chris Bradford |
Karai |
Vision Quest Leonardo & Rocksteady Vision Quest Donatello & Battle-Ready Shredder |
Vision Quest Raphael & Slash Vision Quest Michelangelo & Bebop |
Vision Quest Leonardo Vision Quest Donatello |
Vision Quest Raphael Vision Quest Michelangelo |
Vision Quest Splinter Ivan Steranko |
Bebop Rocksteady |
Slash |
Lil' Mikey Standard version | Lil' Mikey MondoCon B&W version | Lil' Mikey MondoCon B&W version |
Leonardo Donatello |
Michelangelo Raphael |
Shredder Casey Jones |
Splinter 1/96 Chase April O'Neil 1/48 Chase |
Original Comic 4-Pack Battle Damage 4-Pack Raphael Fiberglass Statue |
Stealth 4-Pack Jumbo Leonardo Leonardo Metallic Jumbo Leonardo |
Radioactive 4-Pack Metallic Armor 2-Pack |
TMNT Sticker Pack Jumbo Battle Damage Leonardo |
Leonardo Donatello |
Michelangelo Raphael |
Rocksteady Bebop |
Basic Refill Pack #1: Leo, Don & Shredder Basic |
Refill Pack #2: Raph, Mike & Tiger Claw |
Deluxe Refill Pack: Leo, Raph, Don, Mike, Leatherhead & Kraang |
Mega Refill Pack: Leo, Raph, Don, Mike, Splinter, Slash, Shredder, Foot Soldier & Newtralizer |
Leonardo Donatello |
Michelangelo Raphael |
Limited Edition (Color) Set | SDCC Exclusive Monochrome Set |
Leonardo Bust | Raphael Bust |
Leo Mask Hat Don Mask Hat |
Raph Mask Hat Mikey Mask Hat |
TMNT Outfit with 4 masks |
Leonardo Donatello |
Raphael Michelangelo |
Leonardo Donatello |
Raphael Michelangelo |
Rocksteady Villain Pack | Bebop Villain Pack |
Leonardo Donatello |
Michelangelo Raphael |
Foot Soldier Robotic Foot Soldier |
Kraang Shredder |
Vision Quest Leonardo Donatello |
Michelangelo Raphael |
Splinter Slash |
Mousers Purple Dragon Fong |
Leonardo Space Suit Donatello |
Michelangelo in Underpants Raphael |
April O'Neil Leatherhead |
Battle Damaged Kraang Triceraton |
Leo Donnie |
Mikey Raph |
Mikey Nunchuk Training set | Raph Skate Training set |
Raph Seesaw Stunt Donnie Bo Staff Strike |
Leo Katana Swat Mikey Streetlamp Slam |
Leo Skate Training | Donnie Jump Training |
Leo: Pizza Fury Set Donnie: Pizza Buggy Set |
Raph: Dojo Combat Set Mikey: Pizza Racer Set |
Leo Pizza Roadster Set | Raph: Pizza Speedster Set | Mikey: Chinatown Chase Set |
Donnie: Turtle Racer Set | Mikey: Pizzeria Showdown Set |
Raph Rooftop Blast-Out Set |
Baxter Mutation Lab Ninja Name Builder |
Party Wagon Set Advent Calendar |
Turtle Sewer Lair Set Transforming Turtle Mech Set |
Shredder Showdown Street Battle (Pizzeria & Party Wagon Combo Set) |
Donnie | Raph |
Mikey | Leo |
Leo: Turtle Buggy Set | Mikey: Jet Cruiser |
Raph: Shell Cycle Set |
Pizzeria Hideout | Cookie Factory |
Stealth Leo Camo Donnie |
Pirate Costume Mikey Paratrooper Raph |
Casey Jones Foot Soldier |
Bike Attack Foot Soldier |
Mikey Turbo Board Set | Donatello Drone Pursuit Set |
Bebop Moto Attack Set | Rocksteady Moto Attack Set |
Leonardo Donatello |
Michelangelo Raphael |
Leonardo & Bebop | Michelangelo & Rocksteady |
Leonardo Donatello |
Raphael Michelangelo |
Splinter |
Leonardo on Defeated Mouser | Donatello |
Deluxe Edition Orange Mask Edition |
Regular (Black & White) Edition Red Mask Edition |
Leonardo Donatello |
Michelangelo Raphael |
001 Raphael 006 Foot Ninja (sai) 011 Splinter 016 Slash 021 Shredder 026 Michelangelo (modern) 031 Krang |
002 Michelangelo 007 Foot Ninja (nunchaku) 012 Casey Jones 017 Leatherhead 022 Monsterex 027 Donatello (modern) 032 Raphael (B&W) |
003 Donatello 008 Foot Ninja (bo staff) 013 Baxter Stockman (human) 018 Metal Head 023 Fugitoid 028 Leonardo (modern) 033 Michelangelo (B&W) |
004 Leonardo 009 Foot Ninja (katana) 014 Nobody 019 April O'Neil 024 Renet Tilley 029 Rat King 034 Donatello (B&W) |
005 Mouser 010 Foot Ninja (chain kama) 015 Alpha One 020 Mouser Swarm 025 Raphael (modern) 030 Baxter Stockman (fly) 035 Leonardo (B&W) |
001 Raphael (Toon) 006 Foot Ninja (katar) 011 April O'Neil (Toon) 016 Bebop (Toon) 021 Karai (Mirage) 026 Leonardo (IDW) 031 Kraang Subprime (Nick) |
002 Michelangelo (Toon) 007 Foot Ninja (3-segment Staff) 012 Irma (Nick) 017 Rocksteady (Toon) 022 Slash (Nick) 027 Raphael (IDW) 032 Griddex |
003 Donatello (Toon) 008 Foot Ninja (shuriken) 013 Fugitoid (Mirage) 018 Shredder (Mirage) 023 Zog (Mirage) 028 Michelangelo (IDW) 033 Blobboid |
004 Leonardo (Toon) 009 Foot Ninja (twin katana) 014 Chein Khan 019 Splinter (Toon) 024 Rat King (IDW) 029 Renet Tilley (Mirage) 034 Shellectro |
005 Casey Jones 010 Triceraton 015 Squirrelanoid 020 Alopex (IDW) 025 Donatello (IDW) 030 Armaggon (Archie) 035 Graviturtle |
Leonardo Flip Emz Donatello Flip Emz |
Raphael Flip Emz Michelangelo Flip Emz |
Pizza | Dimension X Spacesuit |
Leonardo Donatello |
Raphael Michelangelo |
Splinter Shredder |
Bebop Rocksteady |
Bebop | Rocksteady |
Raph's Muscle Car | Shredder's Muscle Truck |
Space Suit Leonardo & Exo-Suit Kraang Space Suit Donatello & Fugitoid |
Dark Horizons Raphael & Commander Mozar Pizza Party Michelangelo & Chrome Dome |
Space Suit Leonardo Space Suit Donatello |
Dark Horizons Raphael Pizza Party Michelangelo |
Exo-Suit Kraang Fugitoid |
Baxter Stockman Commander Mozar |
Oroku Saki |
Fanboy Leonardo & Space Suit Casey Inventor Donatello & Salamandrian |
Space Suit Raphael & Kraang Space Suit Michelangelo & Bishop |
Fanboy Leonardo Inventor Donatello |
Space Suit Raphael Space Suit Michelangelo |
Space Suit April O'Neil Space Suit Casey Jones |
Kraang Salamandrian |
Hamato Yoshi |
Shredder | Triceraton |
Gold Armor Shredder (SDCC exclusive) Green Armor Shredder (Toys R Us exclusive) |
Green Triceraton (SDCC exclusive) Red Triceraton (Toys R Us exclusive) |
Leonardo Donatello |
Raphael Michelangelo |
Faded Colorway Leonardo Faded Colorway Donatello |
Faded Colorway Raphael Faded Colorway Michelangelo |
Leonardo Donatello April O'Neil |
Raphael Michelangelo Casey Jones |
Rahzar Tokka Mutagen Man |
Ace Duck Sargeant Bananas Rat King |
Triceraton Metalhead |
Leonardo Donatello April O'Neil |
Raphael Michelangelo Casey Jones |
Splinter Shredder Krang |
Foot Soldier Sargeant Bananas Mouser Droid |
Triceraton Metalhead |
Leonardo Donatello |
Raphael Michelangelo |
Leonardo Donatello Splinter |
Raphael Michelangelo Slash |
Rocksteady Leatherhead Foot Ninja |
Bebop Shredder |
Toy Color Leonardo (SDCC) Toy Color Donatello (SDCC) |
Toy Color Michelangelo (SDCC) Toy Color Bebop & Rocksteady (SDCC) |
Toy Color Slash & Leatherhead (SDCC) Toy Color Raphael & Slash (SDCC) |
Grey Michelangelo (Edmonton Expo) |
Leonardo Donatello |
Raphael Michelangelo |
Leonardo vs Foot Soldier Splinter vs Shredder |
Leonardo Donatello |
Michelangelo Raphael |
Turtles 4 Pack |
Turtles 4 Pack SDCC Exclusive Grey Turtles 4 Pack |
Turtle 4 Pack Gold Version Turtles 4 Pack Black Version |
Turtles Four Pack | Foot Four Pack |
Leonardo | Donatello |
Leonardo Donatello |
Michelangelo Raphael |
April O'Neil Casey Jones |
Splinter Slash |
Shredder Tiger Claw |
San Diego Comic Con 3 Pack |
Leonardo Donatello |
Michelangelo Raphael |
Leonardo Donatello |
Raphael Michelangelo |
Leonardo Donatello |
Raphael Michelangelo |
33" Giant Michelangelo |
Donatello Dojo Donatello Splinter Snakeweed |
Raphael Dojo Raphael Battle Damaged Raphael Metalhead |
Michelangelo Dojo Michelangelo Mikey Turflytle Dogpound |
Leonardo Dojo Leonardo Dimension X Leonardo Leatherhead |
Glow in the Dark Leonardo Glow in the Dark Donatello Glow in the Dark Raphael Glow in the Dark Michelangelo |
B&W Leonardo B&W Donatello B&W Raphael B&W Michelangelo |
Platinum Shredder Platinum Kraang Platinum Fish Face Platinum Rocksteady |
April O'Neil Shredder Bebop |
Rocksteady Foot Soldier Kraang |
Casey Jones Tiger Claw Fish Face |
Nightshadow Leonardo | Furry Dogpound | Gold Shredder |
4" Leonardo 4" Donatello |
4" Raphael 4" Michelangelo |
6" Leonardo |
Leonardo Donatello |
Raphael Michelangelo |
Leonardo Donatello Raphael Michelangelo |
April O'Neil Casey Jones Splinter Shredder |
Krang Foot Soldier Bebop Rocksteady |
Raphael Michelangelo |
Rocksteady Dr. Baxter Stockman |
Donatello Battle Pack | Samurai Leonardo Battle Pack |
Holographic Leo Arcade Mode Donnie |
Spacesuit Mikey Vision Quest Raph |
Red Ninja Baxter the Fly |
Karai Tiger Claw |
Spacesuit Leo Arcade Mode Raph |
Mechanic Donatello Mutant Pizza Michelangelo |
Gold Brutal Shredder Vision Quest Splinter |
April O'Neil Rahzar |
Stealth Leo Spacesuit Raph |
Vision Quest Donnie Holographic Mikey |
Ninja April Fishface |
Foot Soldier Elite 80's Bebop |
Mikey Kraang Dunk | Raph Slapshot |
Mikey Kitchen Chaos | Donnie Mouser Attack |
Mikey Stealth Tour Trike | Raph Stealth Ski Spyder |
Leo Sewer Skate | Raph Sewer Surf |
Dimension X Battle (released first) | Shredder's Throne Battle |
Ninja Booster Pack Coney Island Trap Playset |
Leo Turtle Glider Pursuit Shellraiser Showdown |
Sewer Subway Chase |
Leo Jet Pack | Raph Heli Pack |
Factory Battle |
Leonardo Michelangelo |
Shredder B&W Raphael |
001 Raphael (Archie) 006 Fugitoid (Nick) 011 Casey Jones (Nick) 016 Bebop:human form (Archie) 021 Mona Lisa (Nick) 026 Michelangelo: Space Gear 031 Wyrm (Nick) |
002 Michelangelo (Archie) 007 Foot Tech (katar) 012 Splinter (Archie) 017 Rocksteady: human form (Archie) 022 Bebop (Archie) 027 Donatello: Space Gear 032 Claw Shredder (Mirage) |
003 Donatello (Archie) 008 Foot Tech (3-segment Staff) 013 Purple Dragon (IDW) 018 Rocksteady (Archie) 023 Shredder Clone (Mirage) 028 Leonardo: Space Gear 033 Mini Shredder (Mirage) |
004 Leonardo (Archie) 009 Foot Tech (shuriken) 014 Mohawk Punk (Toon) 019 Nobody (IDW) 024 Sliver (Mirage) 029 Lord Dregg (Nick) 034 Shiva Shredder (Mirage) |
005 April O'Neil (Archie) 010 Foot Tech (twin katanas) 015 Kraang (Nick) 020 Malo (IDW) 025 Raphael: Space Gear 030 Savanti Romero 035 Shark Shredder (Mirage) |
Leonardo Donatello |
Raphael Michelangelo |
Michelangelo | Raphael |
Leonardo Donatello |
Raphael Michelangelo |
Leonardo Donatello |
Raphael Michelangelo |
Leonardo Donatello |
Michelangelo Raphael |
Leonardo Donatello |
Michelangelo Raphael |
Newshen (April) |
Raphael |
OOTS Donatello OOTS Raphael |
OOTS Bebop OOTS Rocksteady |
Leonardo Donatello |
Michelangelo Raphael |
Leonardo Donatello |
Michelangelo Raphael |
Donatello Michelangelo |
Raphael Mousers |
Shredder | Bebop | Rocksteady |
NECA 30th Anniversary Cartoon Box Set Nick Box with TMNT Collectible Ice Cream Vinyl (Raphael) |
Funko Baxter Stockman Minimates Translucent Donatello |
Leonardo Donatello Kraangdroid |
Michelangelo Raphael Black Foot Soldier |
Red Foot Soldier Leonardo Mask Donatello Mask |
Sewer Stickers Raphael Mask Michelangelo Mask |
Out of the Shadows Bebop | Out of the Shadows Rocksteady |
100% & 400% Leonardo Set | 100% & 400% Raphael Set | 1000% Leonardo |
Leonardo Donatello April |
Raphael Michelangelo Metal Head |
Rocksteady Bebop Baxter Stockman |
Casey Jones (exclusive A) B&W Michelangelo (exclusive B) |
Hologram Raphael Raphael Ooze Karai |
Hologram Donatello Donatello Ooze Dire Beaver |
Hologram Michelangelo Michelangelo Ooze Mutagen-Man |
Hologram Leonardo Leonardo Ooze Baxter Stockman Fly |
Glow in the Dark Krang Glow in the Dark Shredder Glow in the Dark Rocksteady Glow in the Dark Fish Face Cockroach Terminator |
Training Leonardo Training Donatello Training Raphael Training Michelangelo Baxter Stockman |
Titanium Casey Jones Titanium Foot Soldier Titanium Casey Jones Dimension X Titanium Baxter Stockman Squirrelanoid |
Rat King Spider Bites Foot Soldier Casey Jones Unmasked Casey Jones Dimension X |
Newt Rahzar Lord Dregg Mondo Gecko Monkey Brains |
Golden Leonardo Dimension X | Hologram Mutagen-Man | Sparkle Shredder |
Donnie Bo Staff Smash Leo Barrel Kick |
Raph Punching Bag Mikey Pizza Launch |
Donatello | Shredder | Rocksteady |
Leonardo Donatello |
Michelangelo Raphael |
Mikey | Bebop | Rocksteady |
001 Leonardo (video game) 006 Rock Soldier (1987 Series) 011 Stone Warrior (1987 Series) 016 Sergeant Granitor 021 General Traag (1987 Series) 026 Karai (IDW) 031 Raphael (2012 Series) 036 Michelangelo [skateboarding] |
002 Michelangelo (video game) 007 Foot Soldier [Axe] (video game) 012 Foot Soldier [Hammer] 017 Bebop (video game) 022 Bebop (video game) 027 Baxter Stockman (1987 Series) 032 Michelangelo (2012 Series) 037 Raphael [skateboarding] |
003 Raphael (video game) 008 Foot Soldier [Boomerang] 013 Foot Soldier [Dynamite] 018 Rocksteady (video game) 023 Rocksteady (video game) 028 Ha'ntaan The Rat King 033 Alopex (2012 Series) 038 Donatello [skateboarding] |
004 Donatello (video game) 009 Bebop (video game) 014 Foot Elite [axe] 019 Foot Elite [Hammer] 024 Shredder [Unmasked] 029 Donatello (2012 Series) 034 Krang (Archie) |
005 Shredder Illusion (video game) 010 Rocksteady (video game) 015 Foot Elite [Boomerang] 020 Foot Elite [Dynamite] 025 Splinter (2003 Series) 030 Leonardo (2012 Series) 035 Leonardo [skateboarding] |
Leonardo Donatello |
Raphael Michelangelo |
Shredder Splinter |
B&W Leonardo (Wondercon Exc.) B&W Michelangelo (NYCC Exc.) |
Raphael Michelangelo |
Leonardo Donatello |
Origami Ninja (normal) Origami Ninja (cross eyed) |
S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. Flyer Trading Card 6 Pack |
Out of The Shadows Michelangelo | Out of The Shadows Leonardo |
OOTS Leonardo OOTS Donatello |
OOTS Raphael OOTS Michelangelo |
Leonardo Donatello |
Raphael Michelangelo |
100% & 400% Donatello Set | 100% & 400% Michelangelo Set | 1000% Michelangelo | 100% & 400% Scratch Set (Bait Exclusive) |
GITD Leonardo Ice Cream Vinyl (part of the fall Nick Box) |
Raph Mikey Leo Trading Card Pack |
Leo Donnie Donnie Trading Card Pack |
Donnie T-Emblem Raph T-Emblem Raph Trading Card Pack |
Mikey T-Emblem Leo T-Emblem Mikey Trading Card Pack |
Leonardo vs Shredder Raphael vs Foot Soldier |
Donatello vs Krang Michelangelo vs Foot Soldier |
Leonardo & Donatello Raphael & Michelangelo |
Bebop & Rocksteady Foot Soldiers |
Donatello Leonardo |
Raphael Michelangelo |
Batman & Leonardo Robin & Raphael |
Batgirl & Donatello Alfred & Michelangelo |
Ra's Al Ghul & Shredder |
Hot Wheels Party Wagon Super 7 Reaction Pizza Box 4-Pack |
NECA Capture of Splinter Box Set DC Collectibles Batman vs. TMNT: Mikey as Batman |
Shredder | Casey Jones |
Leonardo Donatello |
Raphael Michelangelo |
RTJ Krang LP1 (Black) | RTJ Krang LP2 (Red) | RTJ Krang (Blue) |
Leonardo Raphael |
Donatello Michelangelo |
Shredder Foot Soldier |
Bebop Rocksteady |
Space Cadet Raph Undercover Don |
April O'Neil Splinter |
Baxter Stockman Krang |
Raphael Aplinter |
Baxter Stockman Foot Soldier |
Splinter Shredder |
Foot Soldier (melee weapons) Foot Soldier (bladed weapons) |
Leonardo & Donatello Michelangelo & Raphael |
Splinter & Shredder Foot Soldiers |
Casey Jones & Raphael (in disguise) Tokka & Rahzar |
Casey Jones vs. Foot Soldier (slashed) April O'Neil vs. Foot Soldier (bashed) |
Slash and Leatherhead |
Traag and Granitor Zarax and Zork |
Tricerton Infantryman and Roadkill Rodney Splinter vs. Baxter |
The Mighty Metalhead | The Wrath of Krang |
Leonardo Donatello |
Foot Soldier Slash |
Raphael Michelangelo |
Shredder Leatherhead |
Comic Crate with Mirage Shredder Cartoon Crate with Rocksteady |
Arcade Crate with GITD Electrocuted Turtle Bonus Figure: Bebop in Bunny Suit |
Musical Mutagen Tour 4 Pack | Musical Mutagen Tour Merch Set |
Leonardo | Michelangelo | Shredder |
Leonardo Michelangelo |
Donatello Rapahel |
Casey Jones |
Leonardo: Rogue Hog Michelangelo: Midnight Otto |
Donatello: RRRoadster Raphael: The Vanster |
Party Van: Surfin' School Bus |
Leonardo Michelangelo |
Donatello Raphael |
Shredder |
Leonardo Michelangelo |
Donatello Raphael |
Krang |
Party Wagon | Premium Party Wagon | Monster Trucks: Leonardo | Monster Trucks: Demolition Doubles Raphael & Leonardo |
Leonardo Donatello |
Michelangelo Raphael |
Boardwalk Arcade Electronic Pinball | Turtle Fighter Tiny Arcade |
100% & 400% Slash | 1000% Raphael |
IV-20 Donatello |
Donatello | Michelangelo |
Leonardo Donatello |
Michelangelo Raphael |
Leonardo Donatello |
Michelangelo Raphael |
Leonardo Donatello |
Michelangelo Raphael |
Splinter Shredder |
Rocksteady Krang |
Leonardo Donatello |
Michelangelo Raphael |
(Leo & Don were offered and delivered in 2020. Raph & Mike were sold, but not yet produced.) |
Donatello & Raphael | Michelangelo Leonardo |
Shadow Warriors (Oroku Saki vs Hamato Yoshi) |
Super Shredder (Shadow Master) Super Shredder (Secret of the Ooze) |
Ultimate April O'Neil Ultimate April O'Neil Signature Edition |
Ultimate Casey Jones |
Splinter vs. Baxter Rat King vs. Vernon |
Rasputin and Genghis Napoleon and Attila |
Wingnut and Screwloose Dirtbag and Groundchuck |
Trouble's Afoot Muck Everlasting |
The Colossal Chrome Dome Shred, Mondo, Shred! |
Another One Bites The Crust |
Raphael | Donatello |
Movie Crate Comic Crate |
Arcade Crate Cartoon Crate |
Bonus Figure |
Sewer Samurai Leo Sewer Surfer Mike |
Casey Jones Busted Foot Soldier |
Leonardo Michelangelo |
Donatello Raphael |
Raphael Splinter |
Baxter Stockman Foot Soldier |
Leonardo Mutagen Man |
Shredder Bebop |
Michelangelo April O'Neil |
Metalhead Rocksteady |
Donatello Raphael |
Bebop Rocksteady |
Baxter Stockman |
Leonardo Donatello |
Raphael Michelangelo |
Tokka Rahzar |
Super Shredder Shredder with Weapon |
Donatello Raphael |
Leonardo Michelangelo |
Splinter |
XIX-21 Shredder |
Shredder Krang |
Bebop Rocksteady |
Raphael | Leonardo |
Donatello Raphael |
Leonardo Michelangelo |
Leonardo Donatello |
Michelangelo Raphael |
Monster Trucks: Demolition Doubles Michelangelo & Donatello |
#11: Metallic Classic Collection Raphael #39: 2012 Basic Assortment Leonardo |
#38: Classic Collection Raphael #40: Michelangelo Deluxe Mask |
Leonardo Donatello |
Michelangelo Raphael |
NECA Releases, | Super7 Releases, | Funko Releases, | Loyal Subjects Releases, |
Mondo Gecko Ray Fillet |
Slash Mutagen Man |
Triceraton Chrome Dome |
Heavy Metal Raph Napoleon Bonafrog |
Donatello Casey Jones |
Mondo Gecko Muckman & Joe Eyeball |
Sewer Samurai Leonardo Ray Fillet |
Krang Leatherhead |
Sewer Surfer Mike Ace Duck |
Scratch Slash |
Mouser |
Undercover Raphael (Big Bad Toy Store) Footbot Blue (Glow) Foot Soldier (Super 7 Store Exclusive) |
(Glow) Mutagen Man (Entertainment Earth) Noxious Green (Glow) Muckman & Joe Eyeball (New York Comic Con) |
Farmhouse: Casey Jones & April O'Neil | The Secret of the Ooze Michelangelo and Donatello | The Secret of the Ooze Leonardo and Raphael |
Antrax and Scumbug Zach and Smash |
The Neutrinos Tokka and Rahzar |
Super Bebop and Mighty Rocksteady Crooked Ninja Turtle Gang and Rock Soldier |
Ace Duck and Mutagen Man |
The Tale of Usagi Yojimbo |
Toxicity Now! |
Fugitoid Fugitoid: Signature Edition |
Casey Jones Utrom Renet |
Shredder (B&W) Foot Ninja (B&W) Renet (blue) |
Last Ronin (armored) | Last Ronin (unarmored) |
Slash |
Raphael as Frankenstein's Monster Leonardo as the Hunchback |
Michelangelo as the Mummy Splinter as Van Helsing |
April O'Neil as The Bride of Frankenstein April O'Neil as The Bride of Frankenstein Signature Edition |
Leonardo Donatello |
Michelangelo Raphael |
Casey Jones Shredder |
Leonardo Shredder |
Casey Jones Bebop |
Freddy Funko |
Morphed Leonardo (Toy Toyko/SDCC Exclusive) Morphed Donatello (SDCC Exclusive) |
Morphed Raphael (Fall Convention Exclusive) Mikey (Fall Convention Exclusive) |
Morphed Shredder (Funkon Exclusive) |
Morphed Donatello & Morphed Leonardo Foot Soldier Tommy & Morphed Raphael |
Morphed April O'Neil & Morphed Michelangelo Green Ranger Shredder |
Leonardo Donatello |
Raphael Michelangelo |
Casey Jones Shredder |
Bebop Foot Soldier |
Casey Jones (skull face) Krang (bubble walker) |
Rocksteady 80's Bebop |
Leonardo (arcade game) Donatello (arcade game) |
Raphael (arcade game) Michelangelo (arcade game) |
Leonardo (Street Style) Donatello (Street Style) |
Raphael (Street Style) Michelangelo (Street Style) |
Best of Leonardo Best of Michelangelo |
Best of Raphael Best of Donatello |
Casey Jones Skull Face (GITD)(SDCC exclusive) Foot Soldier Comic Shadow (Gamestop/SDCC exclusive) Krang (Arcade Damage Android) (Previews Exclusive) |
Shredder & Elite Foot Soldier Midnight Shadows 2 Pack (Walmart Exclusive) Bebop & Rocksteady Arcade Damage 2 Pack Bebop & Rocksteady Arcade Flashing 2 Pack |
Ninja Turtles Fresh From the Shadows 4 Pack The Foot Clan Action Figure 4 Pack |
'66 Dodge A100 Michelangelo: '55 Chevy Panel |
Leonardo: '70s Van Raphael: Custom GMC Panel Van |
Donatello: Dream Van XGW |
Pizza Parlor with Mikey | Cheapskate with Raph |
Leonardo Donatello |
Raphael Michelangelo |
Graffiti Wall |
Raphael and Donatello | Leonardo and Michelangelo |
Leonardo Donatello Splinter |
Raphael Michelangelo April |
Shredder Krang Foot Clan |
April [green suit] (exclusive A) Mouser (exclusive B) |
Leonardo Donatello April |
Raphael Michelangelo Metal Head |
Rocksteady Bebop Baxter Stockman |
Casey Jones (exclusive A) B&W Michelangelo (exclusive B) |
Leonardo Donatello Leatherhead |
Raphael Michelangelo Rat King |
Muckman (and Joe Eyeball) Mondo Gecko Slash |
Krang (exclusive A) General Traag (exclusive B) |
Leonardo Donatello |
Raphael Michelangelo |
Splinter Shredder |
Leonardo Donatello |
Raphael Michelangelo |
Last Ronin (1:4 Scale) Collector Edition Last Ronin (1:4 Scale) Supreme Edition |
Shredder (1:4 Scale) Krang |
Rocksteady |
NECA Releases, | Super7 Releases, | Funko Releases, | Loyal Subjects Releases, | Funrise Releases | Diamond Releases |
Mutagen Ooze Leonardo Mutagen Ooze Donatello |
Mutagen Ooze Raphael Mutagen Ooze Michelangelo |
Space Cadet Raphael Genghis Frog |
Shredder Robotic Rocksteady |
Raphael Michelangelo |
Leonardo Donatello |
Undercover Raphael Rocksteady |
Shredder Foot Soldier |
Tall Thug and Short Gangster Grunt and Jersey Red |
Chakahachi and Lotus Dirk Savage and Mona Lisa |
Mighty Hog and Rhino-Man Bugman and Electrozapper |
Casey Jones vs Foot Soldier (slashed) (Reissue) |
From The Files of Pizza Squad Mutant Interest Story |
Colossus of the Swamp The Adventures of Space Usagi |
Donatello's Portable Portal Generator The Turtle Van |
Accessory Set The Sewer Lair |
Giant-Sized Turtles Michelangelo |
Leonardo Donatello |
Michelangelo Raphael |
Rahzar & Tokka Keno & Foot Soldier |
Foot Soldiers 2 Pack SDCC Pizza Box Set with Keno & Scooter |
Michelangelo & Leonardo | Donatello & Raphael | VHS Style 4 Pack |
Shredder Clones Triceraton Zog Battle Damaged Shredder Shredder Clones Box Set |
Splinter Foot Enforcer Ultimate Foot Ninja Ninja Turtles 4 Pack |
Savanti Romero The Wanderer Casey Jones (classic colors) |
Last Ronin (Rogue Derelict) Last Ronin (Black and White) |
Synja Patrol Bot Karai |
Man Ray | Jagwar | Dreadmon |
Casey Jones as The Phantom | Donatello as the Invisible Man | Leonardo as he Creature from the Black Lagoon |
B&W Usagi Yojimbo | B&W Space Usagi |
192 Geoffrey as Leonardo 199 Geoffrey as Donatello |
203 Geoffrey as Michelangelo 204 Geoffrey as Raphael |
1391 Leonardo 1395 Michelangelo |
1392 April O'Neil 1396 Raphael |
1393 Superfly 1400 Splinter |
1394 Donatello |
1390 Mutant Mayhem Ray Fillet (Fall Convention Exclusive) 240 The Last Ronin (Previews Exclusive) |
121 Casey Jones (Black Light Edition, Hot Topic Exclusive) 36 Casey Jones (Gold Version, Smeye Limited Edition) |
Mutant Mayhem 4 Pack (Glow in the Dark, Amazon Exclusive) 1402 Giant Mutant Mayhem Leonardo |
Leonardo Michelangelo |
Raphael Donatello |
Set One: Leonardo Michelangelo April one Chase |
Set Two: Donatello Shredder Baxter Stockman one Chase |
Set Three: Splinter Raphael Rocksteady one Chase |
Set Four: 8Bit Raphael 8Bit Donatello 8Bit Leonardo one Chase |
Chases 8Bit Michelangelo Bebop Casey Jones Leatherhead |
Leonardo Michelangelo April |
Donatello Shredder Baxter Stockman |
Splinter Raphael Rocksteady |
8Bit Raphael 8Bit Donatello 8Bit Leonardo |
Leonardo Splinter Bebop |
Donatello April O'Neil Rocksteady |
Michelangelo Baxter Stockman Shredder |
Raphael Krang Casey Jones |
Freddy Funko as Leonardo Freddy Funko as Donatello |
Freddy Funko as Michelangelo Freddy Funko as Raphael |
Leonardo Donatello |
Michelangelo Raphael |
April O'Neil | Casey Jones: Urban Legend | Slash |
April O'Neil: the reporter (orange and blue stripes) Casey Jones: battle damage (Urban Legends greyscale repaint) |
Rocksteady: Street Thug (brown jacket & camo pants) Krang: vain krangazoid (metallic purple bubble walker) |
Slash (Glow in the Dark) |
Tokka | Rahzar |
Leonardo Donatello |
Michelangelo Raphael |
Krang (Android Body) Shredder (IDW) |
Best of Krang Shredder in Hell |
IDW Turtles 4 Pack (Grey Scale) IDW Raphael with Motorcycle |
IDW Leonardo: Battle Ready Edition IDW Donatello: Battle Ready Edition Tokka: Game Colors |
IDW Michelangelo: Battle Ready Edition IDW Raphael: Battle Ready Edition Rahzar: Game Colors |
IDW Raphael with Motorcycle (metallic repaint) Super Shredder GITD 8" |
Leonardo Donatello |
Michelangelo Raphael |
Sewer Shredders Leonardo Sewer Shredders Michelangelo |
Sewer Shredders Donatello Sewer Shredders Raphael |
Half Pipe RC Leo Half Pipe RC Mikey |
Half Pipe RC Donnie Half Pipe RC Raph |
Micro Shell Racers Leonardo Micro Shell Racers Michelangelo |
Micro Shell Racers Donatello Micro Shell Racers Raphael |
Shell Riders Leonardo Shell Riders Michelangelo |
Shell Riders Donatello Shell Riders Raphael |
Rip Racers Leonardo Rip Racers Michelangelo |
Rip Racers Donatello Rip Racers Raphael |
Sewer Shredders Leonardo Sewer Shredders Michelangelo |
Sewer Shredders Donatello Sewer Shredders Raphael |
Switch Kick Skaters Leonardo Switch Kick Skaters Michelangelo |
Switch Kick Skaters Donatello Switch Kick Skaters Raphael |
Switch Kicks Launchers Leonardo Switch Kicks Launchers Michelangelo |
Switch Kicks Launchers Donatello Switch Kicks Launchers Raphael |
Leonardo (Classic) Donatello (Classic) |
Raphael (Classic) Michelangelo (Classic) |
Leonardo (B&W) Donatello (B&W) |
Raphael (B&W) Michelangelo (B&W) |
April O'Neil |
Leonardo Donatello |
Raphael Michelangelo |
Splinter |
Leonardo Donatello |
Raphael Michelangelo |
Leonardo (Comics Exclusive) Donatello (Comics Exclusive) |
Raphael (Comics Exclusive) Michelangelo (Comics Exclusive) |
Casey Jones | Bebop |
Raphael Michelangelo |
Leonardo Donatello |
Raphael V2 Michelangelo V2 |
Leonardo V2 Donatello V2 |
Shredder | Foot Soldier | Last Ronin |
1984: Donatello 1986: Raphael |
1985: Michelangelo 1987: Leonardo |
Krang |
Leonardo Donatello |
Raphael Michelangelo |
Raphael |
Turtle Blimp Box Set | Last Ronin Box Set |
Raphael Michelangelo Splinter |
Leonardo Donatello |
Shredder (regular) Shredder (blue) |
Raphael Michelangelo |
Leonardo Donatello |
Raphael PVC Diorama | Last Ronin PVC Diarama | Last Ronin PVC Diarama NYCC Edition |
Leonardo Donatello Turtle Tot Leonardo |
Raphael Michelangelo |
Bebop Rocksteady |
Leonardo Raphael April |
Donatello Michelangelo Splinter |
Bebop Rocksteady Superfly |
Mondo Gecko (exclusive A) Leatherhead (exclusive B) |
Leonardo 2" Keychain Raphael 2" Keychain |
Michelangelo 2" Keychain Donatello 2" Keychain |
2" Keychain Turtles 4 Pack |
Leonardo Raphael |
Michelangelo Donatello |
Michelangelo & 1959 Volkswagen Drag Beetle | Raphael & 1967 Chevrolet Camaro | Donatello & Party Wagon |
Metalfigs Series 1 Box Set Metalfigs Series 2 Box Set |
Hollywood Rides 3 Pack Turtle Lair |
The Making of a Ninja Light-Up Walkie Talkies | Mutation Station Walkie Talkies |
1: Leonardo 3: Michelangelo |
2: Raphael 4: Donatello |
Donatello 1000% |
Leonardo vs Rocksteady Michelangelo vs Bebop |
Donatello vs Baxter Stockman Raphael vs Krang |
Leonardo Donatello Splinter |
Raphael Michelangelo April O'Neil |
Cartwheelin' Leonardo Pizza Snackin' Michelangelo Casey Jones |
Shredder Rocksteady Bebop |
Metallic Leonardo (chase) |
Build-It Leonardo Build-It Michelangelo |
Build-It Donatello Build-It Raphael |
Leonardo Michelangelo Classic (chase) |
Donatello Raphael |
Master Splinter The Shredder |
Pop Tater Leonardo Pop Tater Michelangelo |
Pop Tater Donatello Pop Tater Raphael |
NECA Releases, | Super7 Releases, | Funko Releases, | Loyal Subjects Releases, | Funrise Releases | Mattel Releases | Diamond Distribution Releases | Moose Toys Releases | Misc Company Releases |
Samurai Adventure Michelangelo and Space Adventure Donatello Business Suit Casey Jones and Foot Soldier (split) | Vacation Bebop and Vacation Rocksteady Punk Leonardo and Punk Raphael |
Pizza Club Leonardo Pizza Club Donatello |
Pizza Club Raphael Pizza Club Michelangelo |
The Adventures of Samurai Usagi Binky's Day Out |
Terminate the Turtles! |
Punk Disguise Turtles 4 Pack | Donatello's Laboratory |
Professor Jordon Perry 2 Pack Dimension X-mas Vacation 4 Pack |
Tatsu Kevin Eastman |
Leonard vs Shredder 2 Pack Casey Jones with Dirt Bike |
Foot Ninja (classic colors) Baxter Stockman Triceraton Gladiator |
Foot Enforcer (classic colors) Kirby Rat King |
Elite Guard (classic colors) Foot Elite Assasin (Red & Black Variant) Karai as the Shredder |
The First Turtles 2 Pack The First Turtles (Black & White Variant) |
Raphael Raphael (First to Fall) The Last Ronin (Battle Damaged) |
Splinter Donatello Elite Synja Patrol Bot |
Michelangelo Footbot Casey Jones |
Synja Patrol Troop Reinforcements Synja Commando and Mousers Accessory Set |
Mondo Gecko Cryin' Houn' |
Leatherhead Bellybomb |
Stump Wrestling Turtles 4 Pack |
Leonardo as Creature from the Black Lagoon Raphael as The Wolfman |
Creature Double Feature Box Set (B&W Hunchback Leo & Wolfman Raph) Mutant Monster Mash B&W 4 Pack (Frankenstein, Mummy, Creature & Invisible Man) |
Samurai Adventure Usagi Yojimbo (B&W version) Space Adventure Usagi Yojimbo (B&W version) |
Year of the Rabbit 4 Pack |
Leonardo (Comic Greyscale) Donatello (Comic Greyscale) |
Michelangelo (Comic Greyscale) Raphael (Comic Greyscale) |
April O'Neil Shredder |
Casey Jones Foot Soldier |
Mutagen Man (Glow) | Ray Fillet Bioluminescent (Green Glow) | Foot Soldier (Blue Glow) |
Undercover Mikey Shredder |
Bebop Rocksteady |
Splinter (flocked) Slam Dunkin' Don |
Zak, the Neutrino Wingnut & Screwloose |
Scumbug |
Classic Rocker Leo Ninja April |
Casey Jones Karai |
Rapper Mike Ninja Nomad Leonardo |
Rat King Foot Soldier (Battle Damaged) |
Bonus Super Pack |
SDCC Scumbug (GITD) SDCC Pizza Chef Mikey |
NYCC/Collectorcon Wingnut & Screwloose (GITD) Scratch (GITD) |
Set One: Leonardo Raphael Splinter |
Set Two: Donatello Michelangelo Shredder |
Leonardo Michelangelo |
Donatello Raphael |
Michelangelo (chocolate) | Donatello (chocolate) |
Michelangelo Raphael |
Donatello Leonardo |
Slash with pre-mutated Slash |
Leonardo | Shredder |
Michelangelo Raphael |
Donatello Leonardo |
Splinter |
Set One: Leonardo Michelangelo April one Chase |
Set Two: Donatello Shredder Baxter Stockman one Chase |
Set Three: Splinter Raphael Rocksteady one Chase |
Set Four: 8Bit Raphael 8Bit Donatello 8Bit Leonardo one Chase |
Chases 8Bit Michelangelo (1:3) Bebop (1:3) Casey Jones (1:6) Leatherhead (1:6) |
Leonardo Donatello Splinter |
Michelangelo Raphael April O'Neil |
Superfly Bebop Rocksteady |
Rat King (GITD) Jennika |
Foot Assassin Foot Assassin (Yellow Assassin) |
Alopex |
Leonardo Donatello |
Michelangelo Raphael |
Dark Leonardo (Battle Ready) Jennika (Battle Ready) |
Foot Elite (Comic Noir) Metalhead and Donatello 2 Pack |
IDW Leonardo (Ver. 2) Figure & Comic Set IDW Michelangelo (Ver. 2) Figure & Comic Set IDW Raphael with Motorcycle (GITD with candy-coat cycle) |
IDW Donatello (Ver. 2) Figure & Comic Set IDW Raphael (Ver. 2) Figure & Comic Set IDW Undead Turtles 4 Pack |
Best of Shredder |
Sewer Shredders Casey Jones | Sewer Shredders Shredder |
Sewer Shredders Mondo Gecko | Sewer Shredders Superfly |
Half-Shell Skaters Leonardo Half-Shell Skaters Donatello |
Half-Shell Skaters Raphael Half-Shell Skaters Michelangelo |
Rad Rip Racers Leonardo Rad Rip Racers Donatello |
Rad Rip Racers Raphael Rad Rip Racers Michelangelo |
Rad Rip Racers Casey Jones Rad Rip Racers Shredder |
Rev Up Racers Leonardo Rev Up Racers Donatello |
Rev Up Racers Raphael Rev Up Racers Michelangelo |
Shell Blazers Leonardo Shell Blazers Donatello |
Shell Blazers Raphael Shell Blazers Michelangelo |
Splinter Superfly |
Turtle Tot Donatello Turtle Tot Raphael |
Turtle Tot Michelangelo |
Leonardo Donatello |
He-Man Man-At-Arms |
Raphael Shredder |
Ram Man Beast Man |
Teela Casey Jones |
Michelangelo Skeletor |
Stealth Ninja Leonardo Stealth Ninja He-Man |
April O'Neil Hordak |
Krang Moss Man |
Leatherhead Mer-Man |
Mouse-Jaw Sla'ker |
Splinter-Skull 2-Bopsteady |
Kofi Kingston (Michelangelo) Xavier Woods (Donatello) |
Seth "Freakin" Rollins (Leonardo) Rey Mysterio (Raphael) |
Cody Rhodes (Casey Jones) Roman Reigns (Shredder) |
Villains 4 Pack | Ninja Turtles: Origins 4 Pack |
Donatello | Michelangelo | Shredder & Michelangelo 2 Pack |
Volkswagon Drag Bus | Pop Culture Premium Turtle Van |
Leonardo Donatello |
Michelangelo Raphael |
Mutating Leonardo Raphael vs Foot |
TMNT with Santa Cruz Logo Michelangelo with Pizza |
Turtle Technodrome Box Set | Retro Gaming Box Set |
Leonardo PVC Diorama Donatello PVC Diorama |
Michelangelo PVC Diorama Last Ronin PVC Diorama |
Donatello vs Slash | Raphael vs Foot Soldier |
Samurai Leonardo Samurai Donatello |
Samurai Michelangelo Samurai Raphael |
Splinter Metalhead |
Casey Jones Super Shredder |
Leonardo & Raphael | Donatello & Michelangelo | Ultimate Team 4 Pack |
Party Wagon | 1967 Chevrolet Camaro |
TMNT-03 Michelangelo TMNT-02 Raphael |
HB-0018 Mechatran Leonardo TMNT-02 Raphael (golden exclusive) |
Leonardo & Michelangelo | Donatello & Raphael |
Comic Version 4 Pack | Cartoon Version 4 Pack | Casey Jones (SDCC exclusive) |
Leonardo Donatello |
Raphael Michelangelo |
BW Leonardo BW Donatello |
BW Raphael BW Michelangelo |
Mondo Gecko |
Leonardo Donatello |
Raphael Michelangelo |
Bebop Rocksteady |
Shredder |
April O'Neil Krang |
Shredder Rocksteady |
Leonardo Donatello |
Raphael Michelangelo |
Color Version (Orange Mask) Color Version (Red Mask) |
B&W Version Deluxe Version |
Glow Version |
Leonardo Donatello |
Michelangelo Raphael |
Leonardo Donatello |
Michelangelo Raphael |
Leonardo vs Shredder Michelangelo vs Bebop |
Donatello vs Rocksteady Raphael vs Krang |
Leonardo Donatello |
Michelangelo Raphael |
Leonardo Donatello |
Michelangelo Raphael |
B&W 4 Pack |
Leonardo Donatello |
Michelangelo Raphael |
B&W Michelangelo |
Leonardo Donatello Limited Edition Leonardo |
Michelangelo Raphael |
Casey Jones Shredder |
Undercover Leonardo Undercover Raphael Genghis Frog |
Undercover Donatello Undercover Michelangelo Chrome Dome |
Wingnut Screwloose Tempestra |
Hamato Yoshi (exclusive A) Oroku Saki (exclusive B) |
Pizza Parlor with Mikey (Repackage) Cheapskate with Raph (Repackage) |
Leo's Half Pipe Donnie's Lab |
Vending Machine |
Leonardo Donatello |
Raphael Michelangelo |
4 Pack |
Leonardo Donatello |
Raphael Michelangelo |
Leonardo Mini Donatello Mini |
Raphael Mini Michelangelo Mini |
Leonardo Donatello |
Raphael Michelangelo |
4 Pack |
5: Splinter | 6: Shredder |
Leonardo Donatello |
Raphael Michelangelo |
Leonardo Donatello |
Raphael Michelangelo |
Leonardo Donatello |
Raphael Michelangelo |
Samurai Force Autumn Samurai Force Master |
Autumn Custom Kit |
NECA Releases, | Super7 Releases, | Funko Releases, | Loyal Subjects Releases, | Funrise Releases | Mattel Releases | Diamond Distribution Releases | Misc Company Releases |
Nightwatcher Leonardo Nightwatcher Donatello |
Nightwatcher Michelangelo Grammy April, Yi & Moja |
Shredder |
Leonardo | Michelangelo |
Leonardo Donatello |
Michelangelo Raphael |
He-Man | Skeletor |
Leonardo Donatello |
Raphael The Last Ronin (Deluxe) |
Oroku Hiroto (exclusive) Leonardo with Swords (exclusive) |
The Last Ronin (B&W, exclusive) Turtles 4 Pack (exclusive) |
Shell Smashers Leonardo Shell Smashers Donatello |
Shell Smashers Michelangelo Shell Smashers Raphael |
Donatello Raphael |
Mekaneck Rattlor |
Shredder Foot Clan A |
Rocksteady Foot Clan B |
Bebop |
Leonardo Donatello |
Michelangelo Raphael |
Leonardo Donatello |
Michelangelo Raphael |
Leonardo Donatello |
Michelangelo Raphael |
Leonardo Donatello |
Michelangelo Raphael |
Samurai Force Summer | Summer Custom Kit |